WoW Classic: BWL Quick Guide

Blackwing Lair, also known as BWL, is a 40-man raid located in Blackrock Mountain. As it’s been 15 years since this raid originally launched in World of Warcraft patch 1.6 – this quick guide should serve as an easy reference when jumping into a pug or trying to brush up on the encounter mechanics at a glance. If you’re looking for more detailed information, check out Wowhead’s guide!
Razorgore the Untamed
- Two players rotate using Orb to control boss.
- Use boss to destroy eggs.
- The rest split into four groups, one at each corner of the room
- Kill adds.
- Mages > Legionnaires > Dragonkin.
- Once all eggs are gone, kill the boss.
- Face boss away from raid.
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
- Melee stand next to boss’s rear leg.
- If you get Burning Adrenaline debuff…
- Pump out as much damage as possible, then run away from raid before it expires.
- Tank swap if the MT gets this.
Broodlord Lashlayer
- Tank boss with back against wall.
- Tanks stand on top of each other and build threat whole fight.
- Tank swap on knockback.
- Cheese Blast Wave via LoS if healing is a problem.
- Tanks wear Onyxia Scale Cloak.
- Tank with back against wall.
- OT stand on ledge near MT.
- Tank swap after knockback.
- When you have 4 stacks of Flame Buffet…
- Run behind pillar to LoS boss.
- Wait there until your stacks fall off, then go back.
- Tanks wear Onyxia Scale Cloak.
- Tank boss in corner.
- One tank on each wall.
- Tank swap when current MT gets Shadow of Ebonroc debuff.
- Ranged and melee spread behind boss and zerg him down.
- Tanks wear Onyxia Scale Cloak.
- Tank swap after knockback to keep him from moving.
- Hunter Tranq Shot when boss enrages.
- If boss has Bronze, use Hourglass Sand to remove debuff.
- Raid should use the corner to LoS all breaths.
- Including the first upon pulling.
- Hunter Tranq Shot when boss enrages.
- Dispel anything where possible.
- Use CDs at 20%, as boss hard enrages.
- Entire raid wears Onyxia Scale Cloak.
- Phase 1…
- Raid splits into 2 groups.
- Kill adds (Chromatic Drakonids take priority).
- Phase 2…
- Kill adds immediately.
- Use pillars or 30 yard range to LoS and avoid Fear every 30 seconds.
- Class calls: a class is called out and has to react accordingly.
- Druid – forced into cat form; stay back and just wait.
- Hunter – ranged weapon breaks; unequip ranged weapon before every call, then re-equip once safe.
- Mage – polymorphs raid members; leverage ice block and LoS to mitigate.
- Paladin – casts BoP on boss; everyone stop attacking.
- Priest – direct healing causes damage; only use Renew and PW: Shield.
- Rogue – teleported and rooted; tanks should bring boss to Rogues (watch cleave).
- Shaman – boss casts totems; raid should DPS immediately.
- Warlock – each summons 2 Infernals; raid should DPS immediately.
- Warrior – forced Berserker Stance; big heals if Tank, watch threat.
- Phase 3…
- Adds spawn, kill them immediately.
- AOE Taunt and burn CDs.
- Adds spawn, kill them immediately.