WoW Classic: AQ20 Quick Guide

The Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, also known as AQ20, is a 20-man raid located in southern Silithus. As it’s been nearly 15 years since this raid originally launched in World of Warcraft patch 1.9 – this quick guide should serve as an easy reference when jumping into a pug or trying to brush up on the encounter mechanics at a glance. If you’re looking for more detailed information, check out Wowhead’s guide!
- Tank boss in mid.
- Boss cleaves, stay behind.
- Tank swap at 3 stacks.
- Both tanks should maintain threat for CC (can’t taunt).
- Ranged spread out, avoid Sand Traps.
- Enrage @ 30% (save CDs if worried).
General Rajaxx
- 7-wave gauntlet.
- Heal friendly NPCs.
- CC mobs if raid DPS is low.
- All focus DPS on boss.
- Drain boss’s mana; keep below 100%.
- CC Elementals when they spawn and ignore.
Buru the Gorger
- Raid DPS eggs to 50% (no DoTs).
- Boss fixates random player, kite boss over eggs.
- Raid kills eggs as boss passes over them.
- Burn CD’s at 20%, kill boss.
Ayamiss the Hunter
- Ranged DPS boss in air.
- Tanks pick up Swarmers.
- Melee kill larvae.
- Boss lands at 70%.
- DPS kill larvae immediately.
Ossirian the Unscarred
- Drag boss to crystal and activate when near.
- These make boss vulnerable to a magic type.
- Repeat as each debuff wears off.
- Avoid cyclones.
- Hunter/Druid or a mounted low DPS can also roam to trigger crystals more efficiently.