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Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery Recommended Addons

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One of World of Warcraft’s strongest assets is the community building addons which dramatically improve the experience of the game. Not only do addons improve the visual design of the UI, but they also supplement gaps in the user experience. At the end of the day, WoW is a better game because of the addons its community creates. The goal with this guide is to provide you the list of addons I personally use to improve my WoW Classic Season of Discovery experience! I recommend using the WowUp addon management tool to install and keep addons up to date.

Must-have addons:

AdiBagsinventory management. Categorizes your inventory, instead of sorting by bags. You can also add custom filters to tweak sorting to your liking.

AtlastLootClassicloot tables. View loot tables for all instances and professions.

Attuneattunement quest tracking. Easily view attunement quest lines and track your current progress.

Deadly Boss Modsdungeon & raid encounter mechanics timers. Timers and callouts for raid encounters. There are addons for each expansion and other content, so just install those you’ll use.

Details! Damage Meterperformance output charts. Traditional damage meter showing output for the group. Advanced users can leverage some of the heavier charting and logs to really dig into the encounter to min/max.

ElvUImodern UI overhaul. A full UI suite to modernize the design and experience of the Classic WoW UI, including nameplates. Highly recommend using this.

GTFOhazard notification. Simple addon that yells at you when you are standing in fire.

HandyNotesuseful map notes. Support for adding notes to the world map. There are many different plug-ins, so just browse through and choose the ones you find most useful (DungeonLocations, FlightMasters, TravelGuide, etc)

Leatrix Maps (Classic Era)various QoL map improvements. Enhances world map with dungeon locations, flight paths, etc.

Nova World Buffsview current layer and world buff timers. Easily see which layer you are currently on and alerts for when world buffs are dropping.

OmniCCimproved cooldown text. Simple quality of life addon which standardizes cooldown text across the board.

Questieshows quests on map and progress in tooltips. Large enhancement to QoL while questing by adding objectives and quests on map as well as progress in tooltips. This may not be necessary if you are running RestedXP.

RareScannerscans for rare spawns. Constantly scans the surrounding area and calls out any rare spawns in the vicinity.

WeakAurasflexible buff tracking. Well known buff tracker. Leverage for a large selection of community snippets! Be sure to download the desktop client to ensure you always have the latest version of your WeakAuras!

What’s Training?shows upcoming skill levels to train. Adds a tab to your skill book to show upcoming trainable skills and their level. Very important for planning training and spending gold while leveling!

Wowhead Quick Linkeasily search wow-head. Provides in-game shortcut to go directly to the Wowhead page for any items, characters, achievements, etc. This is particularly useful for those who frequent Wowhead.

Nice-to-have addons:

CursorTrailadds visual trail to cursor. It’s easy to lose track of your cursor in combat, so this adds a customizable trail to your cursor, so you never lose focus.

GatherMate2 Classicshow gathering nodes on map. Adds all gathering nodes to map for quick navigating while farming gathering nodes. Also download the corresponding data to ensure nodes are populated.

Leatrix Plus (Classic Era)various QoL improvements. This addon provides an assortment of quality-of-life improvements to the Classic WoW experience. I recommend just looking through the options it provides and enabling what you find useful.

LFG Group Bulletin Boardconsolidate LFG channel. This takes all messages in the LFG channel and consolidates them into groups based on keywords, automatically updating. Find groups much easier with this!

MikScrollingBattleTextfloating combat text styling. Groups floating combat text and allows you to style it how you like. This is great for reducing noise/clutter on screen and only showing what’s important to you.

MinimapButtonButtonconsolidate minimap buttons. Clean-up minimap by hiding all minimap buttons behind this one clean UI.

TradeSkillMastereconomy & trade valuation. A robust interface for those looking to participate in the WoW economy. Less experienced players can use this to quickly create listings at a recommended price or check values, while experienced players can dig into the more advanced aspects of the economy.

VoiceOver (Classic)adds voiceovers to quest text. A small, but amazing enhancement to the Classic experience, adding voiceovers to all quest text. Also download the sound pack to ensure it works!

WeakAuras recommendations:

Class WeakAuraspec ability timers & resource tracking. Choose the WA for your spec of choice and build your UI around it. Search for your class and there are plenty to choose from.

Ultimate Mouse Cursorenhance cursor with cast timer, health, etc. On top of improving visibility with CursorTrail, making your cursor functional is just as helpful!

UI Preview Example

Do you have any addons you especially like that you’d like to see added to this recommendation list? If you have any questions or need help with your UI, don’t hesitate to reach out – I’m glad to help! Enjoy your time in Season of Dads and stay safe, friends!

Updated for Season of Discovery on 11/29/2023!

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