SWTOR: The Red Reaper (Master Mode) Solo Guide

The Red Reaper is a Flashpoint in Star Wars: The Old Republic located in the Dropship Launch Hangar on the Fleet. Soloing this Flashpoint on Master Mode, often referred to as MM RR, is a widely used strategy for farming Tech Fragments and gear for other characters.
Lord Kherus
- Run to boss when he jumps to either side.
- Interrupt Soul Drain he casts on NPCs.
SV-3 Eradicator
- Keep all pylons with 3 red and 3 blue.
- Use a defensive ability if you are going to take a beam with 5+ of same color active.
- If boss targets your companion, swap pylons so that color beam only has two matching. 3 matching will sometimes 1-shot your companion.
- Keep back to pillar next to middle pylon.
- Use crowd control (CC) removal abilities after Concussion Charge.
- Vanish after boss is dead (if stealth), CC the middle mob and touch the terminal.
Darth Ikoral
- Tank boss in back of the room (opposite the entrance).
- After knockback and “Ikoral has awoken his chosen Sith” emote…
- Toggle companion to passive.
- Run behind each add, ensuring you and companion are both on opposite side from boss.
- Then interrupt the add’s Ancient Terror cast, so the add soaks the boss’s lightning.
- Once both are dead, toggle passive off on your companion and meet boss back at back of the room to continue DPSing.
- Use a defensive or medpac if you feel like you’re getting low during this phase.
- When boss emotes “Ikoral is channeling the ancient power he has gathered!“…
- Do a lap around the room to collect all the red orbs.
- Meet boss at the back of the room and continue DPSing.
- Rinse / repeat these two steps until the boss dies.
- Finish off the Pureblood Sith Zealot add in the middle of the room.
- Click the terminal and congrats, all done!
- You will be able to solo Master Mode Red Reaper (MM RR) with basic 306 gear, decent mods, and a few augments. Z0-0M is your best healing option, but any rank 50 companion set to healing will do.
- As stealth, each run takes ~12 – 16 minutes.
- You will receive 300 – 400 Tech Fragments per run.
- Stims, Adrenals, and better gear will all help in making this runs faster and ultimately more efficient.
- I recommend leveling and gearing a stealth character first, as this is an excellent way of gearing other characters, optimizing mods, farming Tech Fragments, and getting some Conquest.
- Refer to my Character Progression Guide, if you need some help understanding the gear progression!
Video Guide
If written guides aren’t your cup of tea, or you’d like to complement this guide by watching an actual run-through of the flashpoint with commentary, check out the video I created below. Hope it helps!
Updated for Patch 6.1.2.
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[…] to my MM Red Reaper Solo Guide, if you need some […]