WoW Season of Discovery – Gnomeregan Raid Guide

Enter Gnomeregan, the level 40 raid in Season of Discovery! This guide aims to provide simple reference notes on how to conquer each of the six bosses inside the raid. If you have any questions or comments around your experiences in the raid, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment. Good hunting!
Raid Comp: 2 Tanks.
Adds Phase
- Gas cloud chases nearest player, avoid them.
- Kill adds if no gas cloud is up.
- If gas cloud is up, don’t kill adds. Drag adds into gas cloud.
Boss Phase
- Use Nature Protection Potion.
- Single target burn boss.
- Stay to sides of boss, as he poop cleaves.
- MT keep boss away from gas clouds.
- OT tank Basilisk, taunt when he drops aggro.
- Assigned Ranged grab adds and kite through gas clouds ASAP.
- Alternatively, let your healers aggro them and bait into clouds.
- After boss dies, kill Basilisk.
Viscous Fallout
Raid Comp: 1 Tank.
Single Phase
- Clear adds in room before pulling Boss.
- MT tank Boss in gaps between Dessicated Fallout bindings.
- When gas cloud spawns, move boss to new gap.
- Kill/CC Goo adds ASAP.
- If large add spawns, kill immediately.
Crowd Pummeler
Raid Comp: 1 Tank.
Single Phase
- Avoid cog wheels around room.
- Move behind boss for Gnomeregan Smash.
- Look at feet for faced direction, not hands.
- At 25%, charges random player. Focus heals on them.
Electrocutioner 6000
Raid Comp: 1 Tank.
Single Phase
- Tank boss with back against wall.
- If you get Negative Charge debuff, move away from group.
- Tank can stay, melee max range.
- Boss casts Chain Lightning.
- 2 groups of 3, one group alternate being furthest away each cast.
- Assign 1 backup soaker in case assigned gets Negative Charge.
The Mechanical Menagerie
Raid Comp: 3 Tanks OR 3 Heals if struggling.
Single Phase
- Must kill all at same time.
- Ranged focus on Sheep, melee stay away.
- Stop DPS during Frayed Wiring.
- (Damage reflect, swap to DPS something else until it’s done).
- Tanks each on Dragon, Squirrel, Chicken and backpedal kite around room.
- Stay together, keep bosses clumped, moving away from fire.
- Dodge dragon’s Flame Breath.
- Ranged kill chicken egg ASAP (melee help if no fire near it).
- You can also opt to just ignore, kite away, and let it despawn.
- Save defensives for when Chicken casts Cluck.
- Interrupt squirrel.
- Might require 2 alternating interrupters. Not a huge deal if you miss some.
- Healers/Casters click red button for mana as they’re available.
- You’ll lose health, but gain mana.
- Move away after death, last boss spawns.
Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Raid Comp: 1 Tank (or 2 if no DPS taunt)
Whole Fight
- 3 heals/ranged assigned per 2 dispensers. Click immediately as they open. Do this whole fight.
- You get a debuff after clicking. Call for help if yours open again while debuffed.
- Ranged kill Bombs immediately as they spawn.
- You can use the corresponding Resistance Potions if you are struggling with a certain phase.
Phase 1: Fire
- Taunt swap at 4-5 stacks of Sprocketfire.
- DPS with taunt/defensive can grab boss for 15s while MT stacks fall off.
- MT run away immediately from Furnace Surge and kite facing away from raid.
- Kite along perimeter of entrance.
- If hit, applies more stacks of Sprocketfire.
- When bomb dispenser opens, assigned Ranged/Heals click nearest red button to stop spawning.
- Ranged / Heals also use if need mana.
- Ranged kill bombs immediately if spawned.
Phase 2: Frost
- Use Free Action Potion.
- MT tank boss in middle of room.
- Burn boss quickly, stacks add up through phase.
- Priest can dispel frost stacks (FAPs reduce mana spend).
Phase 3: Poison
- Assigned Ranged/Heals continue to click buttons to close dispensers.
- MT tank boss in middle of room.
- Interrupt AOE channel cast (no castbar, use WA).
- Ranged continue to kill Bombs immediately.
- Bombs drop gas cloud on death.
Phase 4: Ultimate
- Assigned Ranged/Heals continue to click buttons to close dispensers.
- All mechanics together.
- Same as P1, MT run away immediately from Furnace Surge and kite facing away from raid.
That wraps it up – best of luck as you venture into Gnomeregan in Phase 2 of Season of Discovery! If you’re looking for some addon recommendations for SoD, check out our top addons!