FFXIV: Daily / Weekly Checklist

Whether you’re a new player, veteran raider, or maybe returning to the game, the amount of various content in FFXIV can be overwhelming at times. This guide acts as a means of prioritizing content on a daily and weekly basis during your time in game.
Duty Roulette – Tomestone grind. In your Duty Finder, you will see various Duties you can queue for under Duty Roulette. Completing each of these daily will yield bonus gil and various Allagan Tomestones.
Mini Cactpot – Earn MGP. Visit the Main Counter in Golden Saucer. Purchase 3 tickets for a chance at big MGP winnings. Refer to FFXIV Cactpot Solver.
Daily Hunts – Currency grind for glamour, minions, materia, HW/ARR mount speed. Visit the Clan Hunt Boards to pick up daily mark bills for each expansion.
- Shadowbringers: Sack of Nuts. Go to The Crystarium (x9, y9) or Eulmore: The Understory (x11, y10).
- Stormblood: Centurio Seals. Go to Rhagr’s Reach (x13, y11) or Kugane (x10, y10).
- Heavensward: Centurio Seals. Go to Foundation (x12, y11).
- A Realm Reborn: Allied Seals. Visit your Grand Company’s hub.
Beast Tribe Quests – Reputation grind for glamour, mounts, materia, materials.
- Shadowbringers: Pixie (Il Mheg: x12, y32), Qitari (Rak’tika Greatwood: x37, y17), Dwarves (Lakeland: x9, y13).
- Stormblood: Namazu (The Azim Steppe: x6, y23), Ananta (Castellum Velodyna: x21, y26), Kojin (The Ruby Sea: x29, y16).
- Heavensward: Moogle (The Churning Mists: x15, y28), Vath (The Dravanian Forelands: x24, y20), and Vanu Vanu (The Sea of Clouds: x6, y14).
- A Realm Reborn: Amal’jaa (Southern Thanalan: x23, y14), Ixali (North Shroud: x24, y22), Kobold (Outer La Noscea: x21, y18), Sahagin (Western La Noscea: x17, y21), and Sylph (East Shroud: x22, y26).
Retainer Ventures – Send NPC Retainers on missions to collect gil, materials, furnishings, glamour and minions. Retainers not only allow you to post items on the Market Board, but you can also send them on Ventures. These can be either quick ventures for targeted materials or longer ventures which may yield more valuable items and gil.
Grand Company Turn-ins – Large DoH/DoL experience and Company Seals. Each day you can turn in items to your Grand Company Personnel Officer for a DoH (Supply) and DoL (Provisioning) class. Turning in high quality items yields double experience (gold stars yield bonus experience and seals).
Adventurer Squadron – NPC missions yielding various bonuses. Visit your Grand Company’s Squadron Barracks to manage your Recruits. If they aren’t max level (60), you can train them 3 times per day and run Command Mission dungeons. You can also send Recruits on Squadron Missions, namely Priority Missions, which take 18 hours to complete and reward consumables providing various buffs.
Treasure Hunts – Full party treasure maps yielding gil, materials, minions, furnishings, glamour, and music scrolls. There is an 18 hour cooldown on finding a Treasure Map which could yield entry to The Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah, The Shifting Altars of Uznair, The Lost/Hidden Canals of Uznair, and The Aquapolis. Note, you can also buy these maps on the Market Board.
Eden’s Verse – End-game raid, high-end gear. As of patch 5.31, all encounters on all difficulties are freely farmable with no restrictions.
Cap Tomestones – End-game high-end gear. Allagan Tomestones of Allegory are Shadowbringers’ currency for the high-end gear for DoW/DoM jobs. This currency is capped at 450 per week and can be redeemed at Aymark in Eulmore: The Canopy (x10, y11) for item level 490 gear.
Alliance Raids – End-game 24-man raids, gear once per week. As of 5.3, the only Alliance Raid with a weekly lockout is The Puppets’ Bunker, which includes one piece of gear, two Cracked Stellaclusters, and one Puppet’s Coin. Only roll on the gear you want to prioritize, while this lockout is still in place.
Custom Deliveries – End-game crafting/gathering, gil, experience, scrips. These are weekly DoH/DoL deliveries you can turn in to various NPCs to earn scrip or experience. Limited 6 per NPC and a total of 12 per week. Tip: Leverage the bonus turn-in.
- Ehll Tou – The Firmament (x13, y11)
- Kai-Shirr – Eulmore, The Canopy (x12, y9)
- Kurenai – The Ruby Sea (x28, y15)
- M’Naago – Rhalgr’s Reach (x14, y9)
- Zhloe Aliapoh – Idyllshire (x4, y6)
- Adkiragh – Idyllshire (x4, y6)
Challenge Log – Consistent weekly objectives yielding bonus currencies and experience. These objectives encompass all content FFXIV has to offer, so prioritize what’s important to you. Resets weekly.
Wondrous Tails – Random objectives yielding a variety of rewards differing each week. Visit Khloe Aliapoh in Idyllshire (x5, y6) to acquire the key item which shows this week’s objectives. The more objectives you complete, the higher chance of rewards.
Faux Hollows – Older Extreme Trials scaled to max level, awarding a round of Faux Hollows. Complete the weekly Unreal Trial, then talk with Faux Commander in Idyllshire (x5, y6) to exchange your Faux Leaves to play a round of Faux Hollows. Refer to the Faux Hollows Solver to increase chances of success and rewards.
Jumbo Cactpot – Earn MGP. Visit the Cacktpot Board in Golden Saucer. Purchase 3 tickets and return Saturday when winning number is drawn for a chance at huge MGP profit. Limited to 3 tickets per week.
Fashion Report – Earn MGP. Every Friday – Tuesday, the Masked Rose NPC will appear in The Gold Saucer (x7, y7) and will offer a glamour challenge. The FFXIV subreddit posts the guide weekly – don’t miss this for some easy MGP!
Weekly Hunts – Currency grind for glamour, minions, Materia, HS/ARR mount speed. Visit the Clan Hunt Board to pick up weekly mark bills for each expansion.
- Shadowbringers: Sack of Nuts. Go to The Crystarium (x9, y9) or Eulmore: The Understory (x11, y10).
- Stormblood: Centurio Seals. Go to Rhagr’s Reach (x13, y11) or Kugane (x10, y10).
- Heavensward: Centurio Seals. Go to Foundation (x12, y11).
- A Realm Reborn: Allied Seals. Visit your Grand Company’s hub.
The Masked Carnivale – Earn Allied Seals, gil, Poetic tomestones. Weekly solo challenges for the Blue Mage job. You can queue up in Uldah: Steps of Thal (x11, y13). This is particularly useful for quickly earning enough Allied Seals for ARR riding maps!
My hope is that this brief guide helped you get a grasp on what to prioritize with your time in-game as we continue our adventure through Shadowbringers! While you’ll still want to ensure you’re completing the Main Scenario Quest (MSQ), other quest lines, and leveling other classes, this checklist should help optimize your progression through Eorzea. Cheers to the /r/ffxiv Discord for helping verify the content of this guide!
Updated for Shadowbringers: Patch 5.31!
Is the UFO Dun Scaith quest you call out repeatable?
It sure is!
Once per week
Thank you bro, useful information.
Very good article, thanks.
Should put in the glamour contest in the gold saucer as well
Cheers, I’ll look into adding this!
Don’t forget about the weekly Fashion Report.
Ah yes, I’ll go ahead and take care of that – cheers!
Don’t forget the weekly Fashion Report.
This has been added! 🙂
Should 100% add this to a auto resetting tick list if possible.
there’s one like what you’ve suggested called Questhog – good thing is that it’s free, but it offers a customisable list and etc if you pay iirc
You also have the Doman Enclave Reconstruction for the weeklies
Second the inclusion of Doman Enclave Reconstruction (turn 20K of vendor items into up to 40K, depending on progression). Also, quick correction: the weekly Squadron Missions are NOT called Command Missions! Those are infinitely repeatable NPC-supported dungeon runs. The correct in-game term for the weeklies is Priority Missions.
Thanks for this, quite helpful. Oh and just to let you know, you have Squadron and Command missions mixed up.
Super late responding to this, I apologize – but I’ve updated this, thank you!
Might want to add the new weekly quest for delubrum you can do since 5.45 (3 gold coins)
And the new Weekly story quest for the nier collab that opens up after you complete the final raid dungeon
Adding as a personal reminder but you also have your weekly castrum lacus litore and dalriada
and you also have bi-weekly triple triad tournaments that give you a decent amount of mgp even if you dont manage to rank (which is easy in itself)
I feel conflicted seeing squadrons listed as dailies.
There are 3 types of missions:
the command missions you can do whenever, once you unlock them
the regular squadron missions you can do every 18 hours, but those only give exp so if your squadrons are already leveled you wouldn’t really bother doing them anymore
and then the priority squadron missions, which are the ones with the bonuses you can earn, which also take 18 hours, but you can only successfully do 1 a week
So those are only “dailies” for as long as you keep failing. If doing the ones that give 5 scrolls instead of 10, you can guarantee success with the right comp/training, so it’s very easy to get it done for the week in 1 day.
Speaking of weeklies and dailies, there are also weekly and daily quests.
– Seeking Inspiration (weekly)
– Cut from a different cloth (daily)
– Morbid Motivation (daily)
– Those weekly yorha quests, until the questline is finished
– One man’s relic (weekly)
– A ruined opportunity (weekly)
Some of these weeklies/dailies could become full repeatables in a future patch
(Note: the gift of the archmagus, primal focus, and unidentified flying object used to be weeklies, but not anymore)
And there could be a 3rd section for “other”, because if a person is trying to optimize their leve allowances, you cap from 0 to 100 every 16-17 days (2.3 weeks). Depending on the person and how many allowances, that could be weekly or biweekly. Of course some people ignore it, but that’s true of every daily/weekly.