FFXIV: Sleep Now in Sapphire Guide

As you work your way through Final Fantasy XIV’s Patch 5.3, you will reach a quest called Sleep Now in Sapphire. In this instanced solo encounter, you’ll operate G-Warrior and face off against Sapphire Weapon! While you can dial back the difficulty, completing on Normal will require a bit of understanding and coordination – this guide will help!
- Aether Cannon (1) – Ranged single target.
- Final Flourish Combo (2) – Melee single target combo.
- Ultima Buster (3) – AOE in straight line, 5s cooldown.
- Aether Mine (4) – 60s increased damage DoT, 30s cooldown.
- Auto Restoration (5) – 40% Heal, 30% EP, 25s cooldown.
- Pyretic Booster (6) – Toggles reduced cast/skill time and increases movement speed, but drains HP.
- Aetherial Aegis (7) – Toggles 50% damage reduction, but drains EP.
DPS Rotation
Single Target
- Open with Aether Mine (3) and keep its DoT up at all times on boss.
- Spam Final Flourish (2) combo.
- Use Aether Cannon (1) for DPS uptime when out of melee range.
Add phases
First phase, two groups of Magitek Turrets will show up. Position yourself at the end of the group and line up a single Ultima Buster (3) to kill them all. Dodge their AOE.
Second add phase, kill the tigers first using Final Flourish Combo (2), then deal with Magitek Turrets using Ultima Buster (3), then kill boss.
- Run out for Tail Swing and Plasma Cannon. Run in for Optimized Judgment.
- Enable Pyretic Booster (6) for movement speed, then disable after.
- Boss will Activate four non-target-able adds will spawn through the fight which do a targeted AOE.
- Adds will face in or out, move accordingly.
- Enable Pyretic Booster (6) to find the safe spot, then disable.
- Enable Aetherial Aegis (7) before casted abilities end, then toggle back off once completed. This reduces both damage taken and spent EP.
- Optimized Ultima & Plasma Shot
- Use Auto Restoration (5) on cooldown, once below 60% HP or 70% EP.
- Boss will cast two different rays, move accordingly.
- Sapphire Ray – move to sides
- Sideray – move to front
- Finish off boss before Flood Ray finishes casting.
Ok the turrets definitely DO NOT go down in one shot.
The turrets DO go down, but sometimes your placement means one at the end gets missed. Have to move and kill that.