Warcraft: Dragon Soul Encounter Recap

As a raider returning to WoW since my hiatus, I thought it would be useful to write a post that simply lists each encounter along with the normal and heroic strategies associated with each. However, rather than writing a long-winded post specifically detailing encounters that have been current for some good time now – let’s just do quick recaps of each and leave it at that.
- Stay within 25m of the boss for the duration of the encounter.
- Two phases alternate the duration of the encounter:
- Crystal Phase (~1 minute)
- Tanks stand on top of each other to absorb Stomp.
- Tank swap at 4x stacks of Crush Armor.
- If targeted by a Resonating Crystal, you should immediately stack on it.
- Black Blood Phase (30 seconds)
- Everyone should immediately run out behind one of the rocks that will have fallen to avoid Black Blood of the Earth.
- Ranged can position themselves so they can continue DPS’ing during this phase.
- Crystal Phase (~1 minute)
- Heroic
- Crystal Phase
- Boss splits into two at 90%
- Tank bosses apart from each other
- Crush Armor no longer occurs – no tank swap necessary.
- Split into two groups – ensure you’re always within 25m of your boss.
- Tank should move their boss to accomodate for Resonating Crystal location.
- A designated melee should soak Stomp with the tank.
- Boss splits into two at 90%
- Crystal Phase
- Every 75 seconds or so, the boss will spawn 3x oozes at areas around the perimeter of the room.
- Kill Priority = Purple > Yellow > Green
- Based off which two are allowed to reach the boss, a different strategy will apply.
- Instead of listing out every combination, simply visit Icy Veins for a good recap of each.
- Heroic
- 4x oozes will spawn instead of 3x.
- Two phases alternate the duration of the encounter:
- Ping Pong Phase
- Bounce the ball between the ranged and melee group.
- After about 7 bounces, let the ball hit the boss. This will trigger the Black Phase.
- Disrupting Shadows must be dispelled – make sure the person is topped off first.
- Black Phase (30 seconds)
- Stationary burn phase – stack on boss and blow cooldowns.
- Ping Pong Phase
- Heroic
- Adds spawn during the Black Phase:
- Kill priority = Flail > Eye
- After the Flail and Eye are dead, continue attacking the boss.
- The boss should be tanking on top of the claw, as to let it die from cleave damage (minimal damage output from the claw)
- Adds spawn during the Black Phase:
- Alternates between main phase and one of two phases.
- Main Phase
- Tank should back out when boss casts Focused Assault to avoid taking damage.
- DPS should break Ice Tombs immediately.
- If targeted by Ice Lance, be sure you’re not next to anyone.
- If a melee is targeted, a ranged or healer should intercept and soak it.
- Lightning Phase
- Kill the elemental.
- Chain the lightning to each of the 4x Crystal Conductors around the perimeter of the platform.
- Ice Phase
- Everyone should run to the perimeter of the platform.
- Avoid Ice Waves – move with them as the 4x waves rotate around the room.
- Avoid Icicles – these are blue circles on the ground. Don’t stand in them.
- DPS Frozen Binding Crystals.
- Main Phase
- Heroic
- Main Phase
- Focused Assault cannot be avoided.
- Ice Lance applies a stacking debuff that increases damage taken.
- Added debuff, Frostflake, that reduces movement speed every second.
- Affected player should immediately move to the edge of the platform to be dispelled.
- Once dispelled, it drops a pool on the ground that slows any players in it – just avoid walking through it.
- Added debuff, Frostflake, that reduces movement speed every second.
- Lightning Phase
- Storm Pillars will spawn and explodes 3 seconds later.
- These should be avoided or healed through if necessary.
- Storm Pillars will spawn and explodes 3 seconds later.
- Ice Phase
- Added debuff, Frostflake, that reduces movement speed every second.
- Affected player should immediately move to the edge of the platform to be dispelled.
- Once dispelled, it drops a pool on the ground that slows any players in it – just avoid walking through it.
- Added debuff, Frostflake, that reduces movement speed every second.
- Stack up and DPS your little hearts away.
- If affected with Fading Light, use Heroic Will just before it falls off.
- When the boss casts Hour of Twilight, everyone except one designated soaker should use Heroic Will just before he finishes casting.
- Heroic
- Fading Light now affects the tank and two other players, rather than one.
- Must have 2x soakers for Hour of Twilight, rather than one.
- When a player soaks Hour of Twilight, they cannot soak another for 2 minutes.
- Create a rotation for swapping soakers, along with cooldowns.
- Phase One
- When Twilight Onslaught occurs – large purple void zone – everyone should immediately stack in it.
- Players should also stack in the smaller void zones, Twilight Barrage.
- 2-3 players per small void zone will suffice – preferably ranged and healers.
- Burn down Twilight Sappers immediately.
- These should be snared to increase burn time.
- Ranged DPS should kill Drakes.
- Melee DPS should kill Dreadblades and Slayers.
- Tank should face these away from the raid.
- Dreadblades perform Blade Rush, targeting a player and damaging anyone in their path to that player.
- Players should just strafe out of the way when this occurs.
- Phase Two
- Phase two begins when all Drakes are killed.
- Ranged should finish burning the boss’s drake, Goriana – she leaves at 25%.
- Goriana will continue to cast Twilight Flames until she departs.
- These are large flame circles – don’t stand in them.
- Goriana will continue to cast Twilight Flames until she departs.
- Melee should DPS the boss.
- The boss stacks Devastate on the tank, a debuff that requires a tank swap at 2x stacks.
- Casters should remain over 10 yards from the boss at all times, as to avoid getting silenced by his Disrupting Roar.
- He also casts Shockwave, a frontal cone that deals damage and stuns for 4 seconds.
- He may randomly face the raid before doing this – so just spread around the boss and strafe out of the way accordingly.
- Heroic
- Fire patches will randomly spawn on the ship – don’t stand in them.
- Phase One
- Soaking Twilight Barrage places a 15-second debuff increasing damage taken by 50% – this can stack.
- Just make sure the debuff falls off before you soak another.
- Soaking Twilight Barrage places a 15-second debuff increasing damage taken by 50% – this can stack.
- Phase Two
- Goriana will land on the ship at 80% and must be tanked.
- Keep in mind – tanks will still have to swap to handle the boss’s Devastate debuff.
- Once on the ground, all DPS should focus on Goriana.
- She will cast Twilight Breath, a frontal cone AoE – so face away from the raid.
- She will also cast Consuming Shroud on a player, causing all healing received to damage the raid.
- Stacking and AOE healing is the best way to handle this.
- Goriana will land on the ship at 80% and must be tanked.
Spine of Deathwing
- Kill 3 of the 4 Corruptions.
- Then everyone stack in an empty hole where a Corruption used to be.
- This will force a barrel roll and cause all spawned adds to fall off.
- Standing in the empty hole will grip all players so they don’t fall off during the barrel roll.
- The idea is to get the Hideous Amalgamation add to 9x stacks of Absorbed Blood.
- Absorbed Blood is stacked on it by killing Corrupted Blood adds, then dragging the Hideous Amalgamation through the pool they drop after death. Using cleave damage helps.
- Be sure to only kill 9x Corrupted Bloods, as killing more is just wasted DPS
- The tank should just eat their damage and call out for a barrel roll when it becomes too much.
- Once the Hideous Amalgamation reaches 9x stacks of Absorbed Blood, it should be positioned close to one side of the plate and quickly killed.
- It will then begin casting Nuclear Blast – everyone should be 10 yards away to avoid damage.
- After Nuclear Blast, the plate will lift and Burning Tendons will be exposed.
- Everyone should immediately blow all cooldowns and burn it.
- Once it dies, the plate will fly off and you will rinse/repeat.
- After the plate flies off, two more Corruptions will be exposed.
- You’ll want to burn one and DPS the other until 80%, then leave it – to stop the Fiery Grip mechanic.
- Heroic
- Dispel Blood Corruption: Death immediately.
- Do not dispel Blood Corruption: Earth.
- Degradation is a stacking debuff applied to all raid members every time a Hideous Amalgamation is killed.
- Burning Tendons have more health and require two burn phases each.
Madness of Deathwing
- Phase One
- Everyone should begin on Ysera’s platform.
- Ysera > Alexstrasza > Nozdormu > Kalecgos
- The same strategy is used to clear each platform:
- Begin DPS’ing the tentacle.
- After 10 seconds, a Mutated Corruption will spawn.
- These should be burned down immediately.
- They will cast Impale, which requires a defensive cooldown.
- While killing the Mutated Corruption, an Elementium Bolt will begin moving towards the platform.
- Its landing zone is displayed by a golden void zone – move away from it.
- Burn the Elementium Bolt as quickly as possible – defensive cooldowns help mitigate heavy damage.
- Once the Elementium Bolt is destroyed, finish DPS’ing the Mutated Corruption, then continue DPS’ing the tentacle.
- If the platform you are on has an Arm Tentacle, it will shortly after spawn 6x Regenerative Bloods.
- AoE these down.
- After you clear each platform, you lose the buffs that the dragon on each platform provided – making the encounter more difficult as you progress.
- On Ysera’s platform, you have all buffs – use these to your benefit.
- On Alexstrasza’s platform, you lose the healing and damage reduction action spell, Dream.
- On Nozdormu’s platform, you lose the health buff and are forced to manually kill the Blistering Tentacles that spawn – these must be single target burned as quickly as possible.
- Also, don’t bring the tentacle to 70% health before killing the Mutated Corruption and Elementium Bolt. Else, you’ll risk crappy timing on Blistering Tentacles spawning and causing a wipe.
- On Kalecgos’ platform, you lose the haste buff and the Elementium Bolt will reach the platform much quicker.
- Everyone should begin on Ysera’s platform.
- Phase Two
- Deathwing will plop his head on Ysera’s platform – burn him.
- Two types of adds will be spawned and should be burned immediately in the following priority:
- Elementium Fragments – Casts Shrapnel, placing a debuff that deals large damage when it expires. Affected players should Dream just before it falls off.
- Elementium Terrors – These should be tanked in Nozdormu’s Time Zone.
- After the adds are dead, continue DPS’ing Deathwing.
- A second set of adds will spawn shortly after.
- Make sure the second set of adds are dead before pushing Deathwing to 10% health.
- Once the second set of adds are dead, blow all cooldowns and full burn on Deathwing – ignore any additional adds from 10% on.
- Heroic
- Phase One
- A random player will receive a debuff, Corrupting Parasite, that spawns an add when it falls off.
- The affected player should move into a Time Zone and receive extra healing.
- Once the debuff falls off, a Corrupting Parasite will spawn and has no aggro table.
- The tank should move the Regenerative Bloods on top of the Corrupting Parasite and both should be AoE’d down. Single target burn the Corrupting Parasite if it’s still alive afterwards.
- A random player will receive a debuff, Corrupting Parasite, that spawns an add when it falls off.
- Phase Two
- Congealing Bloods will spawn at 15%, 10%, and 5% of Deathwing’s health.
- These should be AoE’d down with the Elementium Terrors.
- The all out DPS burn on Deathwing should occur at 5%, rather than 10%.
- Congealing Bloods will spawn at 15%, 10%, and 5% of Deathwing’s health.
- Phase One
This is brilliant – I need these as a small pop-up screen on my interface (my pc can’t handle alt/tabbing with WoW open!) so I can have them at-a-glance. All current MoP raids too please 😀
Haha, I’ll look into writing up brief guides for all MoP content. It will give me something to do with myself 😉