Diablo 2: Rush Guide

Playing through the story of Diablo 2 is fun once or twice, but after that you might lean towards getting to Hell difficulty as quickly as possible – that’s where power leveling, or rushing, comes into play. This guide will cover only the mandatory steps of completing each difficulty for both classic D2 and Diablo 2 Resurrected, so you can rush or be rushed through Hell. For a reference on leveling priorities and when to push to the next difficulty and some optional quests you’ll want to complete, refer to my D2 Leveling Guide.
Act 1
- Rushee creates game on desired difficulty and Rusher joins.
- Rusher WPs to Catacombs Level 2, travels to Level 4.
- Rusher TPs, then kills Andariel.
Act 2
- If Rushee does not have the Horadric Cube, Rusher WPs to Halls of the Dead Level 2, travels to Level 3, and TPs at chamber with cube.
- Rusher WPs to Far Oasis, travels to Maggot Lair, and TPs at chamber with the Staff of Kings in Level 3.
- Rusher WPs to Lost City, travels to Valley of Snakes, into the Claw Viper Temple, and TPs at chamber with the Amulet of the Viper.
- Rushee return to Lut Gholein and talk to Drognan.
- Rusher WPs to Arcane Sanctuary, TP at The Summoner, then kill.
- Rushee reads Horazon’s Journal, goes through portal, tells Rusher which symbol, and creates the Horadric Staff.
- Rusher WPs to Canyon of the Magi, travels to the correct Tomb of Tal Rasha, and TPs at the staff room.
- Rushee places the Horadric Staff in the altar, enters the chamber, Rusher kills Duriel.
- Rushee travels down tomb, talks to Tyrael, then Jerhyn, then Meshif.
Act 3
- Rusher WPs to Travincal, travels to Council building, TPs, then kills them.
- Ruhsee return to Kurast Docks, talk to Deckard Cain.
- Rusher WPs to Durance of Hate Level 2, travels to Mephisto in Level 3, kill him.
Act 4
- Rusher WPs to River of Flames, travel to Chaos Sanctuary, TPs on star in middle of room.
- Rusher press all switches, then kill Diablo.
Act 5
- Rusher WPs to The Ancients’ Way, travel to Arreat Summit, TPs.
- Rushee click tome, Rusher kill Ancients.
- Note: Must be level 20, 40, or 60 for Normal, Nightmare, and Hell, respectively.
- Rusher WPs to Worldstone Keep Level 2, travels to Throne of Destruction, TPs.
- Note: Must have completed Ancients (Right of Passage) on that difficulty to enter TP.
- Rusher kills trash waves, both enter portal, Rusher kills Baal.
Additional Tips
- Planning out when you’ll pause to grind some levels is a good idea. Refer to my Leveling Guide for the level ranges.
- It’s a nice gesture for the Rusher to TP the important WPs throughout the rush.
- As the Rushee, try to always stay near where TPs appear and watch for new ones to quickly jump in and speed things up.
- It’s common for Rushers to ask for your Hellforge in return for the rush, but always say thank you!
Updated for Patch 1.14D!
Really nice guide! I am going to be rushing a friend soon and wondered how to do it, very simple and through guide, thank you!